In Conversation with Nahrein Kemp


1.     Introduce yourself

My name is Nahrein Kemp.

2.     What is your job title?

Film & TV Executive

3.     Who looks after the kids when you are working?

They are at school!

4.     How long did you take off work after having your baby?

I have two kids and took about a year- 2 years for each.

5.     Would you say that you have a good work/life balance?

Yes- just about!

6.     Are you job sharing or working flexibly?

It is a full time job with some flexibility.

7.     What do you think is the hardest part of being a working in media/film/tv industry and being a parent?

Work life bleeds into home life.

8.     What are your tips for any other women out there wanting to have kids and keep a career in film?

There is never a good time so just go for it!

9.     Any advice for anyone about to return to work after maternity?

Use your networks to your advantage.

10.  What advice did you wish someone had given you?

Don't take everything so personally!